Grand Slam Copy

Jarrett Beauchesne

I help coaches monetize their audiences with revenue generating email & chat master pieces.



Why Is Landing In Spam A Problem???

In case it wasn't obvious....Because less people open your emails.Less people go to your landing page.And as a result of those two things...Less people buy your shit.


Business owners make the same mistake of digging themselves a deeper whole with each email they send.

How To Get Out

Step 1: Identify why you're in there in the first place

There's really only 5 main reasons why you might be in the spam folder. Once you've identified which reason(s) you can reverse engineer a process to get outThose 5 reasons are.... 👇

Step 2: Download My Get Out Of Spam Guide 👇

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Bonus Step : Hire Me To Get Out Of Spam For You

Let’s get real for a second…Odds are if you’ve read this far. You know that you have a problem with your email marketing.So ask yourself...Even if you take action and get out of spam yourself...How are you going to keep yourself out of spam?How are you going to build a rock solid loyal fanbase of customers who are chomping at the bit to buy your stuff?How are you going to optimize your welcome sequence?Fair questions... right?Now, I know you’re probably an implementer too…Otherwise you wouldn’t have opened this page, watched an 11 minute video of some random guy that looks like Christopher Reeve, and gotten this far…The CHALLENGE is time, energy, trust and priorities.Email isn’t MOST people’s money maker, there are other factors that have made your business successful.So I don’t want to take away from any of that. I just simply want to help you add onto your already existing success.Which is why I want to present an alternative…An alternative to writing (or attempting to write) compelling copy by yourself, putting together the jigsaw puzzle of email deliverability or working with unreliable freelancers.Your golden ticket to monetization through email, minus the work of course.I might be a little bit biased when I say this….
(But only a little, I swear!)
My email marketing services are a few tiers above the rest in the market.I offer a full-stack done for you Email Marketing Solution for high-level coaches and consultants that want toGenerate regular and consistent income from your email list.
Did I mention without lifting a finger?
If you are an established coach selling consulting, coaching programs, info products, courses, or services, looking to seriously monetize their email list, who struggles with:1)Sending emails consistently due to time constraints
2)Writing email copy that gets your audience consistently buying from you
3)Navigating email deliverability (again, because of time)
And/or you want to:1)Get a dependable and consistent flow of new clients every month
2)Build a loyal fanbase who are itching to buy your next product
3)Make at least 3x return on your investment
You are in the right place my friend.I tailor my services specifically for people like you.I follow a proven and repeatable process to help entrepreneurs who are selling coaching programs, consulting packages, info products, or other high-ticket offers, generate more dream clients with emails…Effortlessly…

If you might be interested in exploring partnering with me (Your best alternative in my opinion), feel free to book an Email Gameplan Call with me at using the calendly form belowNo Strings Attached.

P.S. A Few Testimonials





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Again... No One is Doing This Right

Most Welcome Sequences Look Like This 👇

And this is a problem because???

Because only a small percentage of people who opt into your list are ready to buy...So hitting them with a tirade of pitches just annoys the shit out of them, lowers your open rates, increases your spam rates, hurts your deliverability and most importantly....Hurts your profitability.


Business owners make the same mistake of over-pitching, without even thinking about the long term damage they're doing to their list.Which means you should.... 👇

Change your focus from making sales to building "Market Awareness"

Market Awareness:The level of knowledge and familiarity that a potential customer has with a problem, existing solutions & competing products in a marketThere are 5 levels of market awareness:

  1. Unaware: These people basically have no idea what's going on. They are unaware of the problem you solve and the need or desires that your products fulfills

  2. Problem Aware: Here, your audience is aware of a problem. But they have no idea a solution even exists

  3. Solution Aware: Here, your audience is aware of a solution, not necessarily for your specific product. You must tell them what makes your product better before pitching.

  4. Product Aware: Here, your audience is aware of your product. However... they are not yet convinced it's the best fit for them compared to alternatives. Advertising should focus on why what you offer is superior to everything else.

  5. Most Aware: Here, your audience is fully aware of everything and they just need a final push to make a decision. Example: Discounts, limited spots, fast action bonus, etc.

New Objective:Build market awareness, WITHOUT isolating potential customers who are ready to buy.

The Step-By-Step Process

Step 1:

List out all problems your potential customers deal with, all alternative solutions, and the top offers on the market.

Bonus: Use ChatGPT or Google Gemini

1) Copy and paste the following prompt2) Fill out Niche and Avatar section ONLY.The Niche section shouldn’t be more than 5-10 words.The Avatar section shouldn’t be more than a sentence describing who you’re targeting.3) Hit Enter

Sales & Appointment Setters Example:

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Step 2:

Write out your sequence in the following order:

1) 1 Welcome Email
2) 1 Zero To Hero Email
3) Sequence of Problem Aware Emails
4) Sequence of Solution Aware Emails
5) Sequence of Product Aware Emails
6) Sequence of Social Proof Emails
7) 1 Email where you pitch the sh*t out of them (A.K.A The Hard Pitch Email)

Email Outlines

The Welcome Email

Primary Goal: Deliver the "the mouse trap" or whatever it is you promised in exchange for their emailOutline:

  • Here's the thing you wanted

  • Here's what you can expect moving forward

  • Ask them to respond to the email

  • Tell them why they should respond

  • Keep it short and to the point

The Zero To Hero Email

Primary Goal: To demonstrate what kind of transformation they can make as a result of buying what you have to offerOutline:

  • Low Point Hook: Shock them with a low point that motivated you to change

  • Trials and Tribulations: You tried A and B solutions, you suffered, you won some, you lost some, but you haven’t made much progress

  • Gift of The Goddess; That was until you discovered this mechanism that changed it all!

  • Your Current Situation: List out a bunch of the benefits you’ve gained because of this gift of the goddess, and what your life looks like now.

  • Soft CTA: This should be more like a gentle nudge than a hard push

Problem Aware Emails

Primary Goal: Make the reader aware of problems that you can solve. Show them what their life will look likeOutline:

  • Hook: The first line should grab the reader’s attention while still being relevant to the rest of the email.

  • Problem & Why It’s A Problem: Describe the problem and what their life will look like if the problem continues

  • Solution/Mechanism: What is the mechanism inside of your offer that can solve this problem.

  • Soft CTA: A soft nudge towards your landing page.

  • Benefits/Future Pacing: List out a bunch of the benefits provided by your solution, or what their life will look like because of this solution.

  • CTA: Direct them to your landing page.

Solution Aware Emails

Primary Goal: Let the reader know that you are the best solution on the marketOutline:

  • Negative Hook: Mention a negative consequence of trying a different solution.

  • Elaborate: Describe the negative consequence of this alternative solution.

  • Solution: Introduce a better solution, (hint: your solution).

  • Soft CTA: A soft nudge towards your landing page.

  • Benefits/Future Pacing: List out a bunch of the benefits provided by your solution, or what their life will look like because of this solution.

  • CTA: Direct them to your landing page.

Product Aware Emails

Primary Goal: Let the reader know that your product is better than anything else in either results or price. If your price is higher you must justify it.Outline:

  • Hook: We can get you A result, in B time, without having to deal with C obstacles.

  • The Comparison: Companies like Y and Z do something similar BUT we are unique/cheaper/get you better results (or all of the above).

  • CTA

  • (This one is short and to the point)

Social Proof Emails

Primary Goal: People don't buy products, they buy transformations. Show them 2 or 3 transformations that are possibleOutline:

  • Hook: Quote the best/most shocking/biggest benefit in your testimonial, ex: “These emails made me $14,723.41 in 21hrs”.

  • After this you can dig deeper into your client’s success, and what their life looks like because of the solutions you provide.

  • Contradicting Origin Story: Share what this clients life was like before he had your solution, the bigger the contrast the better.

  • Other Benefits: List out other benefits that this client or other clients get because of your product.

  • Hard CTA: This is more like a demand followed by big promise. (Ex: Click Here Right Now If You’re Serious About Getting A Result In B Time)

The Email Where You Pitch The Sh*t Out of Them

Primary Goal: Self explanatoryOutline:

  • Big Promise: You will get A Result in B Time without having to deal with C headache.

  • General Problem Diagnosis: The core problem is ____, caused by ____, and if this problem persists your life will look like ____.

  • Unique Mechanism Of The Solution: The thing that makes your offer different/better.

  • Benefits: Drop a big ol’ bullet point list of everything benefit they get from your offer.

  • Social Proof: Drop one more testimonial in there for good measure, make sure it’s your best one.

  • Hard CTA: Repeat the ‘Big Promise’ while telling them to click the link.

Full Circle

Remember when I said....Most Welcome Sequences Look Like This 👇

Here's How To Properly Structure Your Welcome Sequence for Maximum Audience Awareness:

Your Next Steps

Coaches and consultants:Now it’s my turn for a hard CTA...Let’s get real for a second…Odds are if you’ve read this far. You know that you have a problem with your email marketing.It’s probably not because you have an email list full of dummies either.There are many people, like you, who WANT to take action to improve their lives.You just have to paint a nice picture for them, and a good welcome sequence will do that.Now, I know you’re probably an implementer too…Otherwise you wouldn’t have opened this page, watched an 18 minute video of some random guy that looks like Christopher Reeve, and gotten this far…The CHALLENGE is time, energy, trust and priorities.Email isn’t MOST people’s money maker, there are other factors that have made your business successful.So I don’t want to take away from any of that. I just simply want to help you add onto your already existing success.Which is why I want to present an alternative…An alternative to writing (or attempting to write) compelling copy by yourself, putting together the jigsaw puzzle of email deliverability or working with unreliable freelancers.Your golden ticket to monetization through email, minus the work of course.I might be a little bit biased when I say this….
(But only a little, I swear!)
My email marketing services are a few tiers above the rest in the market.I offer a full-stack done for you Email Marketing Solution for high-level coaches and consultants that want toGenerate regular and consistent income from your email list.
Did I mention without lifting a finger?
If you are an established coach selling consulting, coaching programs, info products, courses, or services, looking to seriously monetize their email list, who struggles with:1)Sending emails consistently due to time constraints
2)Writing email copy that gets your audience consistently buying from you
3)Navigating email deliverability (again, because of time)
And/or you want to:1)Get a dependable and consistent flow of new clients every month
2)Build a loyal fanbase who are itching to buy your next product
3)Make at least 3x return on your investment
You are in the right place my friend.I tailor my services specifically for people like you.I follow a proven and repeatable process to help entrepreneurs who are selling coaching programs, consulting packages, info products, or other high-ticket offers, generate more dream clients with emails…Effortlessly…

If you might be interested in exploring partnering with me (Your best alternative in my opinion), feel free to book an Email Gameplan Call with me at using the calendly form belowNo Strings Attached.

P.S. A Few Testimonials

5 Cardinal Sins People Make When They SBC

Cardinal Sin 1): The last Achaemenid King of Persia (No battle plan)This is Darius III. The last Acharmendid King of Persia. Recognize him? Probably not. That’s because his army was defeated by Alexander the Great’s army in 330 BC. An Army with half the troops mind you.Losers don't have a battle plan.People who don't have a battle plan don't get remembered.Solution: Have a battle plan > Follow Script (loosely)

Cardinal Sin 2): You're a RobotSolution: Inject Humanity

Cardinal Sin 3): Apathetic CashierSolution: FSA (Feel, Show, Ask)

Cardinal Sin 4): Being a Goldfish (asking the same questions)Solution: Scroll Up!

Cardinal Sin 5): Talking like a 50 year old lawyer (Big blocks of text)Solution: Text like a drunk 21 year old girl (2-4 short text messages at a time)

SBC Model:

1): Agenda
2): Qualify
3): Convert

Spear Email Model

Spear =Short


Here's How to Optimize The Shit Out Of Your Funnel Without Changing Your Offer.


IMPORTANT: Watch this 1-minute video before starting

Table of contents

  • Chat Closing and Spear Emails (Full Training)

  • Why the traditional sales page doesn't exactly work anymore

  • Why Sell By Chat

  • Chat Closing Master Class Doc (Steal this)

  • Speak Email Master Class Doc (Steal this)


Chat Closing and Spear Emails (Full Training)

The Traditional Sales Page Works Like This:

As you can see there are a few "holes" in this bucketProblems:1) Funnel Blindness - The more you’ve been pitched to the more you have funnel blindness (join my webinar, get this training = get pitched). Hard to sell to people with their guard up.
2) No 1:1 Interaction:
a. No personalization: Your prospect doesn't know if it's for them or not. (Am I the only one buying? Is this a scam?)
b. You don't know who's seen your offer, your sales page or even how far they read if it all
c. Can't follow up
3) Expensive and Time Consuming To Test New Funnels4) There's a hole in your sales bucket:a. People see your price and automatically decide "it's too expensive"b. Before I read the entire sales letter or watch the entire VSL I'm gonna scroll all the way down to the bottom first to make sure it's in my price range.Which causes you to spin the hamster wheel of death 👇

Introducing Spear's & SBC (Sell By Chat)

Why Sell By Chat?It solves all of the problems that the traditional funnel has:1): Easy to scale
2): Chat is more lowkey. People booking calls from funnels are slowly dying.
3): Funnel Blindness make people more reluctant to being pitched to
4): You can interact with people 1:1 (Which means you can follow up, overcome objections, etc.)
5): Funnels can be expensive and time consuming to test out

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Your Next Steps

Let’s get real for a second…Odds are if you’ve read this far. You know that you have a problem with your funnel, your sales, your marketing or your emails.So ask yourself...Even if you take action and get start SBC...Even after you implement all of this stuff. How much time are you going to be spending on this on a daily basis? On a weekly basis?Fair questions... right?Now, I know you’re probably an implementer too…Otherwise you wouldn’t have opened this page, watched a 20 minute video of some random guy that looks like Christopher Reeve, and gotten this far…The CHALLENGE is time, energy, trust and priorities.I think it's pretty apparent that you need to partner with the right person to make SBC successful...Which is why I want to present an alternative…An alternative to building this yourself, trying to create sick follow up sequences or working with unreliable freelancers.Your golden ticket to monetization through email and chat, minus the work of course.I might be a little bit biased when I say this….
(But only a little, I swear!)
My chat and email marketing services are a few tiers above the rest in the market.I offer a full-stack done for you Chat & Email Marketing Solution for high-level coaches and consultants that want toGenerate regular and consistent income from your email list.
Did I mention without lifting a finger?
If you are an established coach selling consulting, coaching programs, info products, courses, or services, looking to seriously monetize their email list, who struggles with:1)Sending emails consistently due to time constraints
2)Writing email copy that gets your audience consistently buying from you
3)Navigating email deliverability (again, because of time)
4) Getting appointments booked in your calendar
And/or you want to:1)Get a dependable and consistent flow of new clients every month
2)Build a loyal fanbase who are itching to buy your next product
3)Make at least 3x return on your investment
You are in the right place my friend.I tailor my services specifically for people like you.I follow a proven and repeatable process to help entrepreneurs who are selling coaching programs, consulting packages, info products, or other high-ticket offers, generate more dream clients with chat and emails…Effortlessly…

If you might be interested in exploring partnering with me (Your best alternative in my opinion), feel free to book an Email Gameplan Call with me at using the calendly form belowNo Strings Attached.

P.S. A Few Testimonials